Here’s the deal...
Poor mental health is correlated with significantly more missed work days.
The statistics here are alarming.....Almost one in five workers report poor mental health.
Absenteeism aside...
When employees are present, but aren’t able to stay focused on the tasks at work because of present stressors or mental health issues, your business is losing money.
Having a more focused team is beneficial to your company’s success. Turnover rates are high among businesses that report high stress, resulting in significant financial losses for the company.
Being proactive is a much better solution than being reactive.
The solution comes in the form of education and mental health incentivization within corporations.
We need this solution!

Healing Hearts Counseling’s Corporate Mental Health Wellness Program will equip your employees with essential skills to help fight against mental health issues, can incentivize the program to ensure participation and retention.
Apply TodayA Gift for Everyone
Increased mental health is connected with reliability, productivity, and creativity. Issues within the home often carry over into work life. Learning relational strategies for both the home and office have huge implications for increasing peace at both the workplace and in the home.
Why not give your employees this gift that will benefit both your business and your employees?!

Corporate Mental Health Wellness Program
For a small investment of 45-90 minutes a month and $75 per employee per month, you can provide your business and employees with trainings that have implications for all areas of life.
Lesson Topics
Lesson 1: What is Mental Health?
Learn how you can support your mental health and move away from mental health issues.
Lesson 2: Stress Management: Tools that Actually Work
Practice new skills from mindset changes about stress management to daily behavioral strategies you can use to manage stress well.
Lesson 3: Emotions 101: How do I know what I’m feeling?
What is it? How to deal with It? Instead of feeling overcome with our emotions, let’s learn from them, and gain control over them.
Lesson 4: Healthy Ways to Communicate: Assertive Work
You might be surprised to find that many people use unhealthy ways of communicating and think they’re being healthy and kind. Learn how to set up for great conversations, and what styles of communication to avoid.
Lesson 5: Good Apologies: Dealing with Your Mistakes
Learn how to deal with their imperfections (everyone has them!), manage their mistakes, and move toward the freedom to be more creative and productive without the pressure of being perfect.
Lesson 6: Conflict Resolution
While most of us would prefer to avoid a conflict, sometimes the healthiest thing we can do is fight well and bring the conflict to resolution. Learn the tricks and tips about conflict so you don’t have be afraid of it.
Lesson 7: Work Hard Play Hard—Finding the Right Work/Life Balance
Believe it or not, healthy work habits set up for better play and rest. Find ways to manage work well and enjoy your rest and play time even more. This sets up for more joy in your life.
Lesson 8: Peace Pursuit: Good Boundaries, Good Habits, Good Grief
Here you’ll learn what is a good boundary and how to establish those in your relationships, what are some good habits that have huge implications for mental and physical health, and how leaning into our moments of sadness actually set us to live more at peace.
Lesson 9: Your Past and Your Present: How Your Past Plays a Role in Your Future
We don’t forget the past, either we remember it or our body does. Learn how to reconcile hard parts of your past so that you’re not limited now and in the future.
Lesson 10: Engaging Empathy
Learn one of our greatest tools for connecting with others, redirecting misbehavior, and getting your need to be seen and heard met.
Lesson 11: An Attitude of Gratitude
Find ways to use the skill of being grateful to better your mental health. We’re not talking false optimism here, but genuine gratitude. It may just change your life.
Lesson 12: Master Talking to Yourself
We all talk to ourselves whether we realize it or not, why not be really great at it to help you become more confident and less anxious.
Ready to Join?
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