If Nothing Changes, Nothing Changes

Aug 27, 2024

I know it seems so simple, but it's the truth. If it's change we're looking for, we are probably going to need to implement some changes. We can't expect different results from the same thing.

New experiences and different things are often times confused in the brain as actually scary. Our brain loves and feels safe when it knows what to expect. Sometimes you might need to remind your brain that you can handle this. It's different and hard, but you do can do it.

Be brave. Make a positive change in your life. Remember, it doesn't need to be huge, just consistent.

Simple ideas to get you started include:

  • fixing a large cup of water in the morning to increase your water intake

  • setting your alarm a few minutes earlier to make time for reading the Bible or prayer

  • disciplining your speech to use different language or say things without yelling (Dr. Laura Markham called this a vow of "yellibacy", and I'll never stop calling it that!)

  • setting a time limit for social media use

The sky is the limit here. You got this. You can do hard things.



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